is part of the Pickwick Consulting Ltd. family
and is focused on delivering more profit to
UK Local SME's.


years of experience

Profit improvement to Business and Private Sectors

Pickwick Consulting Limited was set up by Phil Pickwick in 2004 with a focus on delivering profit improvement to larger SME businesses and multi-nationals.

In 2010 UK Local Business was created as a division of Pickwick Consulting to concentrate more specifically on the special needs of local and smaller SME's.

A third division, targeted at non business users, was created in 2015.

Phil Pickwick is a fully qualified profit improvement and project management expert, with over 40 years practical experience delivering simple sustainable solutions worth over £50m to businesses and individuals worldwide.

The profit improvement formulas can be applied to any type of business or function within a business and works for any business wherever located in the world.

Profit improvement to Business and Private Sectors

UK Local Business is aimed specifically at the smaller SME's and Local Businesses within the UK, who need simpler and quicker solutions than larger enterprises and often a more tailored approach to services provided.

Today Phil still retains a 'hands-on' approach to UK Local Business, but where the situation demands, an associate network of over 30 business professionals can be called on to help deliver specialist knowledge, skills and expertise.

These professionals between them have over 1000 years work experience, with 138 different companies and covering 109 key skill sets, so whatever the challenge we will have you covered.

This business model ensures flexibility and that costs and overheads are kept to a minimum with savings passed on to clients via realistic and flexible pricing modules.

In short YOU don't pay for any 'ivory towers' and YOU only pay for what you use.

Our Values, Principles and Ethics

Profit Improvement has its origins in good old fashoned' time and motion' or 'work study'.

Over the years many manifestations have become fashionable with names like Process Improvement, Six Sigma, Lean, Kaizen, Business Process Re-engineering, 5S, Root Cause Analysis, Hansei, Hanban and total quality being just some examples of efficiency models devised in their own distinct way to provide Profit Improvement.

The UK Local Business Way

A lot of profit improvement models like many highlighted above are designed for big business with big project teams and big budgets - Local Businesses don't need this sophistication, this hassle or this cost - so be warned.

UK Local Business believe in keeping things simple and personal - so what does their process look like in overview?

  • We RECORD what's happening now
  • We AGREE where you'd like to be
  • We IDENTIFY the gap
  • We EXAMINE the current processes
  • WE ESTABLISH Options
  • We AGREE the preferred way forward
  • We IMPLEMENT the solution
  • We DELIVER the result

And at all times we'll listen to you, we'll communicate with you and we'll ensure YOU remain in control

Don't forget UK Local Business also offer a wide range of Added Value Products too - click the button to check them out

Like what you hear?
Contact Phil Pickwick - with no obligation now

Contact Phil here